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Open Day 2019
Bird Hide Installed
As part of our going work to improve the Haycop the new bird hide was installed at the end of April.
Annual Quiz Night Another Resounding Success
The room was packed, the questions were taxing, the fish and chips were delicious and the wine copious ….. yes it was the Haycop Quiz Night at Willey Village Hall! Thanks to Val and Adrian, Betty and Jo et al for all the hard work for such a good cause. Also a big than you to Harwoods Estate Agency for sponsoring this event and helping with the photo copying that was needed to make the event a success.
Jo Challanor - asking the tough questions

Quiz teams - hard at work!

April Volunteer’s Day
During our April volunteer’s Day a number of jobs were completed to help improve access for visitors to the site. This included, restoring the edging to the meadow footpath and extending the hand rail on the woodland path. At the end of the session some volunteers met with Rita Powell to install a bench in memory of her husband John, who was one of our volunteers and a dedicated recorder of species on the Haycop. The bench was constructed by Pat Simons, another of one our volunteers.
Spring on the Haycop
Broseley CE School Year 2 Help to Make ‘Seed Bombs’
In early April Year 2 pupils from Broseley CE School paid a visit to the Haycop to help plant wild flower seeds on the meadow. They used a method promoted by the Wildlife Trusts, which involves mixing wildflower seeds with compost and then encasing this mixture in a ball of clay. The ball of clay is then thrown onto the area that you want to plant the seeds. Overtime, with addition of rain water, the clay balls will brake down and the mixture of water, clay, compost allows the seeds to germinate and grow. For more information on this fun method of plating wild flower seeds click on the following link
January – February 2019
Haycop pool after improvement work has been carried out
Towards the end of January, the major work to the Haycop pool, funded by the LEADER Programme, was carried out. A concrete slip way has been installed to maintain the water level – no more leaks! The bird was also dismantled and a concrete base was prepared ready for a new bird hide in the near future. At the beginning of February volunteers helped to finish landscaping the area around the pool
Volunteers take a well earned break to eat jacket potatoes
Broseley CE School Visit from Year 5
Children from Year 5 paid a visit in January as part of their forest school activities. During the visit they made ‘green men’ from natural materials. They returned in February to lay wood chip on the woodland path. This work on the Haycop forms part of their community service, to which the whole school contributes.